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Tiger Woods had just finished the divorce with his wife, Elin Nordegren. Now a new court document - which describes the marriage was "broken without avoidable" - reveals what is stored for those ex-spouse, two children - Sam (3 years), and Charlie (1 year).

That document confirmed the Tiger (34 years) and Elin (30 years) have completed their four-hour lesson on how to become a parent. They are required to attend the event to finalize a divorce in Florida, a condition that involves children.

"The plan of care is the main interest of the children," said a document. The couple married-stairs for almost six years, and the document also states they have lived apart since November last year. Tiger made the news after his car crashed in front of their home in Windermere, Florida, on the Sharing Love Day weekend - not long after the circulation of news about the affair.

Other details from court documents that Elin is going back to using her maiden name, Elin Maria Pernilla Nordegren.

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